Chapter 2: Bow Tie Business Club

The Bow Tie Business Club’s plan began as a whisper among the canopy, spreading their promises of progress and wealth to the creatures of the forest. They told the Shroomies that the land beneath them was old and tired, and that the forest could no longer sustain everyone. But they had a solution: a vast, untouched land beyond the mountains, fertile and endless, where the Shroomies could grow freely, unburdened by the forest’s diminishing resources.   
Desperate to save their home, the Shroomies reluctantly agreed to relocate. They trusted the Bow Tie Business Club’s words, for they believed no mushroom could sever its bond with the land. But when they arrived at the promised land, they found nothing but barren, lifeless soil—an expanse so dry and cracked that even the faintest magic could not take root. Realization dawned too late: the Bow Tie Business Club had never intended for them to thrive. They had been tricked, cast out so the Club could claim the forest’s resources for themselves. The decision was made to return to what was once theirs and save it, before it was completely depleted of life. 
As their forest withered, the Shroomies fled to their ancient network of caves beneath the forest floor. These caves, woven with glowing mycelium, connected to the Heart of the Land itself. Here, the Shroomies began their plans—not for revenge, but for restoration. They knew that without the trees, the forest could not produce the oxygen needed for all mushrooms, including the Bow Tie Business Club, to survive. Their mutual dependence on the land was undeniable. If the forest died, so would they all. 
In the dimly lit caverns, Elder Cap addressed the gathered Shroomies. “We are bound to the land, just as it is bound to us. The Bow Tie Business Club has forgotten this truth, blinded by greed. But we have not. We will reclaim the forest—not with anger, but with life. If they can print money to destroy, we can print trees to heal.” 
The Shroomies turned to their mycelium magic, a power rooted in their deep bond with the earth. They combined this ancient magic with ingenuity, utilizing spores that could generate saplings and rapidly grow trees. Using the interconnected mycelium network, the Shroomies began spreading their efforts. Each spore was carefully calibrated to plant trees strategically, rebuilding the forest layer by layer. 
Above ground, the Bow Tie Business Club faced an unexpected crisis. Their wealth had grown, but the air was growing thinner, their caps duller, and their energy weaker. Without the forest’s trees to produce oxygen, even they were beginning to suffocate. Still, they pressed on, too proud to admit the consequences of their actions.

Chapter 1: Root of all Evil